Miracle at Manchester is the movie based on the true story of Bryce Newman’s journey fighting brain cancer.
Miracle at Manchester is the movie based on the true story of Bryce Newman’s journey fighting brain cancer and a prayer that his San Diego high school “Cathedral Catholic High School” organized for Bryce. Bryce credits this prayer for helping to save his life.

Miracle at Manchester” has won awards for best Faith Film in multiple Film Festivals both domestically and internationally in 2023.
We are proud to announce that “Miracle at Manchester” has made the list of the Top 10 Christian movies to watch in 2023, and that list contains well known Christian movies like “Father Stu”. We are also proud to announce that “Miracle at Manchester” has won awards for best Faith Film in multiple Film Festivals both domestically and internationally in 2023. The laurels on this page let you know which festivals the film won those awards.
The surprise prayer held for Bryce included the entire student body (roughly 1,600 students), staff, and community members (roughly 100 individuals). They were all seated in the football stadium (also known as Manchester Stadium). The students dressed in their red school t-shirts and Bryce was asked to wear his white “Team Brycen” t-shirt. Bryce sat in the middle of the crowd of students, which led to an immensely powerful picture.

This movie has allowed Bryce to
use the platform to start this Foundation.
Father Martin Latiff and all 1,700 individuals raised their hands over Bryce and prayed. A few weeks after the prayer, a scheduled MRI showed the “enhancement” which had been growing, was shrinking in size. Soon after, Bryce was diagnosed cancer free.
This movie has allowed Bryce to use the platform to start this Foundation. If you would like a signed DVD by Bryce, please go to the DVD tab to purchase your DVD. Those DVD purchases help us to buy more Apple iPads for children fighting cancer, and we hope that you enjoy the movie!